Small Business Roundup – January 2023

The Commissioner was kept busy in January meeting different stakeholders.

I’m so excited to be starting 2023 as the new Commissioner for the QSBC. It’s going to be a big year as we work to support the 459,094 small businesses throughout our state, which make up 99.7% of the business community. That’s right! In Queensland, 99.7% of businesses are small businesses. To say that small business is the backbone of the economy is an understatement. 

What has struck me in my first few weeks as the Queensland Small Business Commissioner, is that the operating environment for many small businesses can be complex, not all industries are experiencing the same thing and small businesses are the innovators, the employers, and the game changers.

Last week, CommSec released its State of States report, which ranked Queensland as number 1 for the first time in 13 years. Indicators such as economic growth, retail spending, unemployment, equipment investment, completed construction work, housing finance, and dwelling commencements. With Covid mostly behind us, domestic migration is up, and planning is well underway for the Olympics and Paralympics. There is no doubt that there is lots of opportunity in our great state. 

There is never a dull moment when you are a small business owner and 2023 has commenced with our North Queensland businesses facing high levels of rainfall and in some cases floods. Remember no matter where you are in our great state your business is not immune, it is important to prepare your business to be storm ready.

Our office was established to enhance the operating environment for small businesses in Queensland and to reduce the time and costs associated with resolving disputes involving small businesses. We operate both an Advocacy team and an Assistance team and are designed so that we take your feedback on board and advocate tangible outcomes that improve your ability to get on with what you do best. Throughout the Christmas period, our Assistance team has heard from several business owners, who have reported concerns in relation to their financial situations and leasing arrangements. 

Please remember, if you need assistance or information, reach out, we are here to help and can put you in touch with a range of helpful services such as the Small Business Financial Counselling service for Southern Queensland or North Queensland, which will provide you with free confidential assistance to get you and your business back on track. 

On Friday 28 April 2023, we will hold our Small Business Friendly Conference on the Sunshine Coast.  Themed ‘igniting ideas’ and designed to assist Councils and Chambers in assisting small businesses to flourish across the state. We will be in touch when the full program is ready.  

Finally, many of you would be familiar with Maree Adshead the former Queensland Small Business Commissioner. Maree was integral to the success of so many initiatives launched and delivered by our office, and I want to acknowledge Maree’s hard work and the incredible legacy she has left behind. Maree’s advocacy will be greatly missed and we are all excited to see where she creates impact next. 

If you are new to our newsletter or would like to learn more about our services, resources, initiatives, and projects, visit our new QSBC website. If you are ever unsure and are looking for more information, give us a call at 1300 312 344 or submit an inquiry

Dominique Lamb 
Queensland Small Business Commissioner

Photo caption – Top left to right: 1. Dominique’s first meeting with the honourable Di Farmer, Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills. 2. Dominique and Qld Chief Entrepreneur, Julia Spicer.
Bottom left to right: 3. Dominique and Penny Cornah, Master Plumbers’ Association Qld. 4. Dominque and Scott Wiseman P&Cs Qld.

For more details, read the QSBC newsletter January 2023