Resolution through mediation

Resolution through media

The two most common topics of dispute that our Assistance team receives are security deposit returns and disputes over the responsibility for repairs and maintenance.  

In a recent example, the tenant was moving out at the end of the lease term and the landlord did not have a security deposit in place. There were outstanding unpaid invoices from the make-good of the air-conditioning system and there were questions as to whether the system had been maintained by the tenant as required in the lease. The landlord requested mediation through the QSBC in the hope of reaching an agreement.  

Through the QSBC process, we help both parties to understand and define the dispute. Generally, it is not just a simple ‘bond refund’ – many times it’s ensuring all make-good work and any associated bills are agreed upon and paid. Where further support is required to negotiate and resolve these outstanding issues, mediation can certainly help.  

Of the bond disputes we receive, many are resolved informally through the Assistance team or through our nationally accredited mediation services.

Retail shop lease bond disputes must be mediated through the QSBC before parties can apply to QCAT for direction on the matter. 

If you need help resolving this type of business dispute, view our range of fact sheets including Commercial lease bond and Make Good. Alternatively, get in touch with us today.

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