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Regional Place Activation Program

The QSBC has partnered with Renew Australia to offer a do-it-yourself (DIY) place activation program tailored for towns across regional and remote Queensland. The program is open to SBF Members with a population of less than 50,000.

Lodge your Expression of Interest (EOI) by 12 July 2024!


QSBC is funding Renew Australia to offer eligible SBF Members:

  • A 12 month Renew Australia micro-affiliate membership
  • Project kick start sessions
  • Monthly program support sessions with Renew Australia for the first 6 months
  • Access to Renew Australia licence agreements and participation agreements
  • Access to Renew Australia public liability, broken glass and project insurance
  • Renew Australia project templates and tools.


If your town has a retail or commercial vacancy problem, is lacking vibrancy and you want to bolster local small businesses—this program is for you!

This program is open to SBF Members who:

  • Have a population <50,000
  • Have the capacity and resources to run a ‘DIY’ self-managed space activation project (with training and support from Renew Australia).

To take advantage of this opportunity, eligible SBF Members will need to:

  • Get approval from your council leadership team to lodge your expression of interest from 1 July 2024
  • Cover supplementary costs (e.g. printing, marketing, legal)—while QSBC is funding Renew Australia costs, a small budget for incidental costs will help.

Lodge your Expression of Interest today!

If you are interested in this exciting opportunity and want to learn more or lodge your Expression of Interest before 12 July 2024, visit the QSBC Regional Place Activation Program page on the Renew Australia website!