Informal resolution of a small business lease dispute


Selina reduced her stress by informally resolving a dispute with her landlord

Selina had a range of issues with her lease – from a rent increase (applied at a time when it was unacceptable for landlords to raise the rent), to invoices being issued late, and asking for an early release from her lease due to a personal situation. Selina requested informal assistance from us with the dispute.

Over a 2-week period, Selina obtained information and assistance and started email and phone conversations with the real estate agent representing her landlord. With the knowledge and tools at her disposal, Selina was able to take the emotion out of her communication, and together with the real estate agent, they presented an offer to the landlord.

A credit was offered for the months where the rent increase had incorrectly been applied, an early termination of the lease was granted, and a small rent reduction was applied for the remainder of the tenancy.

Key learnings