About us
The Queensland Small Business Commissioner (QSBC), including the Small Business Commissioner and supporting office, is a passionate supporter of Queensland small and family businesses. A small and family business is a business employing less than 20 full-time employees (or equivalent) regardless of structure or turnover.
The QSBC provides a range of services for small and family businesses under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2022 focussed on enhancing the operating environment for small and family businesses in Queensland and reducing the time and costs associated with resolving disputes involving small businesses.

Our vision
An operating environment that helps Queensland small businesses thrive.
Our promise
We will deliver our services for the betterment of all Queensland small and family businesses. We believe everyone deserves to feel heard, valued, and important. We believe that empathy is fundamentally important to everyone’s health and happiness as well as to the success and sustainability of our services. Our services will reflect that through all our interactions with each other, small and family businesses, stakeholders, and the community.

Our goals
We appreciate the unique nature of Queensland small and family businesses and recognise that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. To ensure we do our best to help small and family businesses thrive, we will:
Be dedicated to our vision
Support self-agency and provide options as quickly as possible
Provide factual insights and act reasonably within our functions
Operate transparently and communicate simply and clearly.
Deliver empathetic services
Provide empathetic services and support all people
Consider individual needs, discuss timeframes, and deliver on time
Keep people informed and honour our promises.
Provide practical solutions
Design simple, integrated, and practical solutions
Change the way we work as technology evolves
Actively listen so we can continuously improve our services.
Meet the Small Business Commissioner

Dominique Lamb
assumed the role of Small Business Commissioner in December 2022.
With a robust background in industrial relations and employment law, she brings a unique blend of legal expertise and advocacy skills to her position.
Dominique’s primary objective is to enhance the operating environment for small businesses in Queensland and to reduce the time and costs associated with resolving disputes involving small business. In her capacity as Commissioner, Dominique has embarked on a proactive engagement strategy, collaborating closely with governmental bodies, industry organisations, and regional stakeholders. One of Dominique’s notable achievements has been the significant expansion of the Small Business Friendly (SBF) Program, which now boasts participation from 51 Councils. Additionally, she has taken proactive steps to establish three new roundtables, providing platforms for industry representatives and regional stakeholders to voice their concerns and contribute to policy discussions.
Beyond her professional endeavours, Dominique is deeply committed to social causes, particularly those addressing domestic and family violence.
Commissioner appointment
Dominique Lamb became the Small Business Commissioner on 23 December 2022 under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2022.
Previous Commissioners
Maree Adshead, 3 May 2022 – 22 December 2022, under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2022
Maree Adshead, 21 May 2020 – 29 April 2022, under the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020
Statutory functions
The Queensland Small Business Commissioner (QSBC) commenced operation on 28 May 2020 under the COVID-19 Emergency Response Act 2020 (CER Act) and transitioned to a permanent service under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2022 (SBC Act) on 3 May 2022.
The main object of the SBC Act is to enhance the operating environment for small businesses in Queensland and reduce the time and costs associated with resolving disputes involving small businesses.
The SBC Act includes 8 functions for the small business commissioner (expanded from 5 under the temporary arrangements) including:
- to provide a central point of contact in relation to matters affecting small businesses; and
- to provide information and advisory services to the public about matters relating to small businesses; and
- to assist parties in reaching an informal resolution for small business disputes, including by facilitating the exchange of information between the parties; and
- to provide alternative dispute resolution services and administer a mediation process for small business disputes; and
- to advocate on behalf of small businesses to the State, the Commonwealth, another State or a local government; or any other entity involved in administering a matter relevant to small businesses; and
- to work collaboratively with the equivalent of the commissioner in other States or the Commonwealth to enhance conditions for small businesses; and
- to perform functions conferred on the commissioner under another Act; and
- to carry out other activities to further the objects of this Act, as directed by the Minister.
The QSBC provides a range of services for small businesses under the Small Business Commissioner Act 2022 including raising awareness, sharing information, advocacy, and providing support and assistance.
The QSBC also has jurisdiction of retail tenancy disputes and related mediations under the Retail Shop Leases Act 1994 (RSL Act).
Previous jurisdiction
Between 28 May 2020 and 2 May 2022, the temporary QSBC operated under the CER Act, providing information and advice about small business matters, and dispute resolution support for small business, including the provision of mediation for parties involved in small business leasing disputes.
The Retail Shop Leases and Other Commercial Leases (COVID-19 Emergency Response) Regulation 2020 (the COVID Leases Regulation) prescribed the process for the QSBC to administer free mediation for parties involved in eligible lease disputes (being COVID–affected lease disputes and small business tenancy disputes). The COVID Leases Regulation was made under section 23 of the CER Act and section 121 of the RSL Act and expires on 30 April 2024.
The Small Business Commissioner may make certain decisions under the SBC Act 2022.
Annual reports
Current report
Previous reports
Statutory decisions
Previous decisions
- Waiver of mediation fees for a class of parties, Toombul Shopping Centre, 1 June 2022 – 31 August 2022 (PDF, 139KB)
- Waiver of mediation fees for a class of parties, Lease disputes impacted by TC Jasper, 13 December 2023 – 13 June 2024
- Waiver of mediation fees for class of parties, Lease disputes impacted by signficant weather event 25-26 December 2023, effective 25 December 2023-13 June 2024.
Statement of Expectations
Directions from the Minister
Under the SBC Act 2022, the Minister may give the commissioner a direction in writing.
Directions received
No directions have been received from the Minister to date.
Customer testimonials
“Many thanks for all your assistance and achieving an agreed outcome.
I would not have thought it possible but certainly highly skilled, professional facilitation, mediation, and a willingness by both parties for a mutual satisfactory outcome. So very well done!
Many thanks to all!”
Retail shop owner locked out of premises
“QSBC have been helping me navigate a very emotional stressful upheaval in my life…
I just wanted to say thank you to you and your staff at QSBC. I have been treated with kindness, support and empathy.
They are truly the right people for their jobs. Thank you.”
Café owner with a leasing dispute
“You are amazing at what you do, thank you ever so much! Regardless of the outcome the fact that you are helping me is overwhelming and muchly appreciated.”
Leisure activity small business owner experiencing financial hardship
“Congratulations on having your appointment being made permanent so you can keep up the great work, it’s the best Christmas present the people of Queensland could have hoped for!
Even if they don’t know it yet and the work you and your office does has a direct and positive impact on a huge number of people and that impact naturally flows on to others around them. From the call centre operators up, everyone has been unfailingly helpful, professional, and pleasant to deal with; and the net result is that your office is a pleasure to deal with, and amazingly efficient.”
“I’m sure the small businesses are very appreciative of the work done by your office to simplify the support available which, as you say, is a great deal of information to comprehend.”
Chief Executive Officer of a major property management group
“Thank you for meeting with us recently to discuss the recommendations of the Patents Accessibility Review (‘PAR’) on arbitration services for patent disputes. My team and I are grateful for the views and experience you and your colleague Luke shared with us during our meeting.
These discussions will help inform the [Australian] Government’s decisions regarding the recommendations.”
Senior Executive of a federal government agency