Small Business Roundup – August 2024

This month, we were thrilled to return to regional Queensland, kicking things off with Forward Fest.
It was an incredible experience meeting over 100 innovators, start-ups, and small business owners
who were eager to learn how they could leverage support from industry bodies, government, and
other resources to future-proof their businesses.

We also had the pleasure of attending the Townsville Chamber of Commerce’s inaugural ‘Raising the
Regions’ conference. This event was a fantastic opportunity for small businesses to connect with
large companies looking to procure products and services, and the collaboration between multiple
chambers, including those from Cairns and the Gold Coast, was inspiring!

Our big news this month? We welcomed our 50th  member to the Small Business Friendly Program –
Gladstone Regional Council. During our visit, we engaged with several small businesses and local
industry representatives to discuss the support available and their expectations from the council.
The relationship between the council and its business community was impressive, and Gladstone
now holds the record for the largest attendance at a signing in Queensland. Let’s see if our
51st  member can top that!

We also participated in the Coffee Commune’s first consultative roundtable. The focus was on
understanding challenges and identifying solutions within the food and beverage industry, especially
as small businesses navigate the pressures of rising costs and shrinking margins. We were glad to
provide updates on available support from local, state, and federal governments, and to discuss
policy issues relating to the Australian Taxation Office, Least Cost Routing, migrant workers, and
leasing and tenancy.

Throughout our travels and over our assistance line, we’ve consistently heard concerns about energy
and water. We are proud to have attended our first Advisory Council meeting with the Energy and
Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ). This was a valuable opportunity to voice the challenges
small businesses face in the energy space directly to major providers and the Department. If you are
a small business owner in Queensland and dissatisfied with your energy or water provider’s
response to your complaint -or the lack thereof-you can take your concerns to Jane Pire and her
team at EWOQ. Their website offers excellent resources and alternative dispute resolution options,
so be sure to check it out.

Looking ahead, we’re off to Adelaide at the end of the month to meet with other Commissioners
from around the country and our federal counterparts. The Queensland Small Business
Commissioner’s office is proud of its strong relationships with fellow Commissioner offices and Bruce
Bilson, the Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO). We are working
together on collective advocacy strategies at the federal level. This month, we were particularly
excited to see the release of ASBFEO’s 14 steps to boost Australia’s small and family businesses – a
plan developed in response to increasingly concerning statistics, including findings from ASBFEO’s
Pulse survey showing that the national business environment is 25% below the long-term average.

Upcoming activities:

  • 2-5 September – Regional visits Central
  • 10 September – ‘Farmer for Climate” Parliamentary Reception
  • 13 September – Christian Business Networking Breakfast

Connect with us

If you are new to our newsletter or want to learn more about our services, resources, initiatives, and projects, visit the QSBC website. If you need more information, call us on 1300 312 344 or submit an enquiry.

Main photo: Dominique Lamb, Queensland Small Business Commissioner.

Dominique Lamb 
Queensland Small Business Commissioner

For more details, read the QSBC newsletter August 2024